commonwealth - Neglect

Track: "Neglect"
Author: "commonwealth"
Albom: "Everyone Around Me"
320 kbps

Lyrics commonwealth - "Neglect"

My blood is getting colder, as I get older, Overdosing on hate, creating my fate. My thoughts begin to tangle, I can't win, The rope is getting tighter, and my patience thin. No one around, better for me, I have to shut my eyes, just so I can see. Limitations on time, it made me blind, They helped me to see what I could never find. Dying times, living times, Oh so short, and so fast. Look around you and you'll see that nowadays, neglect is vast. Morals and standards don't count these days, they're replaced with aids and crack. The world is turning in on itself, There is just no turning back. ...

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